Friday, January 24, 2025

Top 10 HTMLGoodies Tutorials for Web Developers

Web developers often have a hard time wading through the myriad of tutorials and articles available on the topic of website development. We’ll do the wading for you in this article, and will show you 10 tutorials on HTML, JavaScript, CSS, mobile development and more!

HTML Class: Elements of HTML5

Our first article, HTML Class: Elements of HTML5, takes the reader on a tour of HTML 5, discussing the foundations of the emerging standard, the new features that it brings with it, as well as the elements it will be leaving behind.

Advanced JavaScript for Web Developers: onClick and onMouseOver

Our second article, Advanced JavaScript for Web Developers: onClick and onMouseOver gets down and dirty, discussing a few of the most often-used techniques for user interaction.

How To Change Text Color Using HTML and CSS

Learn how to change the color of text, links and visited links on a web page using HTML or Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in this tutorial by Joe Burns and the HTMLGoodies’ staff.

How To Add a YouTube Video to Your Web Site

You’ve created your own video, and have uploaded it to YouTube, only to realize that you still have some editing to do. This tutorial will show you how to use the YouTube Video Editor to save your day!

A Quick Tutorial on JavaScript Variable Passing

For those of you who need a way to pass variables across pages but wouldn’t think of using a cookie to do it – try this method using JavaScript!

Print a Web Page Using JavaScript

You’ve probably been on a web page and wanted to print out the page for later reference. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to provide visitors to your site to be able to do just that? This tutorial for web developers will show you how to use JavaScript’s window.print function, complete with examples!

So, You Want A Basic Color Code, Huh?

How many times have you wanted to add a specific color to your style sheet or table, but didn’t know the hex code? Finally, using this tutorial, you can see the colors and their respective color codes below, along with the names of those colors. You can use either the name, or the hex color code.

Basic HTML Class: Working with Images on your Website

Just as we thought a primer was required explaining how to manipulate text, we also thought one was needed on how to manipulate images. Believe it or not, manipulating images is much the same as manipulating text. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to place images on your page, align text with your images and more!

Using the iWebkit iPhone Development Framework for Creating Web Apps

In the past, HTMLGoodies looked at several frameworks for creating iPhone apps, but there’s another player in the iPhone framework market, and that’s iWebkit. This tutorial looks at how you can use iWebkit to create an iPhone ready website that looks and acts like a native application!

A Web Developer’s Guide to the Google Code PlayGround

If you haven’t heard about Google’s Code Playground, it’s a web-based tool that lets web developers try out all of the APIs that Google provides, tweak the code, and see the results. In this article we’ll tell you what you can do with it, give you a couple of examples and show you why you should be playing in the playground!


As you can see, we’ve covered a lot of ground here at HTMLGoodies. If you have some topics that you’d like to see us cover, please drop us a message below so we can get to it!

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