Wednesday, February 12, 2025

CyberBytes Inc. Announces the Release of Web Design Cheat Sheet v3.0

Alex Bass, front-end developer extraordinaire and President of CyberBytes Inc has pushed on through hundreds of hours of development time, long hours and sleepless nights to develop and deliver to all of use developers, for FREE, another significant update to his Web Design Cheat Sheet. Version 3.0 brings a wealth of reference material for HTML5, CSS3, and now Javascript, including over 200 functions that can be displayed in detail and consequently, applied and embedded into WDCSs  mobile web editor. Alex’s app is without exception one of the best reference utilities in BlackBerry World. The app licensing model is considered freemium allowing anyone to download, use, share and explore the app before you make the plunge and deside to purchase the licensed version which unlocks more knowledge, to most would be considered overwhelming with the vast catalog of information. Check it out here.

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