The process of maintaining and updating stylesheets can be a daunting process for developers. A new service called WebPutty not only hosts your website’s CSS files, it provides an in-browser CSS editor which provides a side-by-side preview pane that allows developers to update their CSS on the fly.
To get started with WebPutty, you must provide WebPutty with access to your Google account, and the name and URL of the site you will be using with WebPutty. You will receive a notification with a string of code that you will then add to your web page which also provides access by WebPutty.
Once that’s done, you will be able to edit the CSS using the WebPutty editor, which includes syntax highlighting and is compatible with the Compass CSS authoring framework as well as the Sass (SCSS) CSS extension. It’s free for early adopters, and provides a unique services for web developers that is worth trying out.
Read the original article here.