Friday, February 7, 2025

HTML5 Is Important For CIOs Too

As some in the industry have enthusiastically noted, the most often used and deployed piece of software is the web browser. The changes that HTML5 brings to the table are not just important to end users–CIOs need to be ready to roll with the changes or be left using yesterday’s technology.

HTML5 will help the web evolve from traditional web browsing to full-fledged applications. According to Kirk Knoernschild, research director for Gartner Research, “HTML 5 will allow developers to create web applications that rival rich and fit client offerings.”

Another supporter of HTML5, Paul Cotton, manages a team at Microsoft and co-chairs the W3C’s HTML Working Group. He believes that compatibility is going to become even more important, and that HTML5 allows the browser to be used like a GUI. As he says, “I believe HTML 5.0 will be rich enough to sit on top of the core operating system.”

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