Goodies to Go ™
September 22, 2003–Newsletter #251
This newsletter is part of the network.
Featured this week:
* Goodies Thoughts – The World
Brought Down To Size
* Q & A Goodies
* News Goodies
* Goodies Peer Reviews
* Feedback Goodies
* And Remember This…
Goodies Announcement
The new Beyond HTML Goodies book
is now available!
Go beyond the basics
and learn how the pros add and use dynamic HTML features and advanced
JavaScript techniques. Beyond HTML Goodies demonstrates dozens of new and
different features readers can add to their existing Web pages using HTML and
JavaScript. The book starts with simple text and image tips, such as adding a
clock to a Web page or causing text to appear when the mouse moves over an
image. It gradually builds to more complex tricks, including manipulating forms
or working with cookies behind the scenes. Throughout the book, readers enjoy
Joe’s snappy style and “to the point” discussion of each “goody” in the book.
Goodies Thoughts – The World Brought Down To Size
Universal truth, the Mr. Universe competition, a "Galaxy of
Savings" (as a local car dealer here proclaims) and many other examples
illustrate how we love to bandy around adjectives whose real meaning is so large
and whose scope encompasses so much that we could not possibly support the claim
in anything resembling reality. How then is the humble programmer to understand
when, in a field where precision is paramount and everything is either just
right or simply wrong, we take such an adjective and apply it to a simple
programming task? How indeed?! The answer, as you are probably aware by now, is
by reading Goodies To Go, where programming tasks, when simply explained, become
Questions have come up a few time recently concerning the penchant we have in
this field for using the word "global" for a wide variety of things of varying
scope. Global, of course, is meant to refer to the globe we know as Earth, and
means something whose scope affects the whole world. Euphemistically, that’s
just how we use it, but the question is, what do we mean by our "world" when we
One example is the term "Global Variable". A variable is a data element used to
hold a value that changes, as opposed to a constant, which is a data element
whose value does not change. Various program languages will refer to "global"
and "local" variables. The difference between the two is whether they are
confined to a specified scope or are available outside that scope. What the
scope is depends on the language and sometimes even on the context.
For example, in JavaScript, a local variable is one defined within a function
using the "var" keyword. The value of this variable will unavailable to any
other function on the page, or to any JavaScript code outside the function.
JavaScript variables defined without the "var" keyword, or defined outside a
function, are global. A global variables value is available to any function or
any JavaScript code on the page. Thus, the scope, or "world", referred to by
"global" in reference to JavaScript variables is a particular JavaScript
function. Any JavaScript code on a different page, even though it is part of the
same website and held on the same server, might as well be on a different planet
as far as that variable is concerned!
Another example is the expression "global edit". This is a common task that
programmers face. For example, if you copy some HTML code from this newsletter
into a page you are working on, we have advised you to perform a global edit on
the opening tag markers to change "<." into "<" so that they will work on your
page (see the note at the beginning of the Q & A Goodies section in any original
Goodies To Go newsletter.) In this case, "global" means "more than one at
a time."
In my favorite text editor (UltraEdit — see it is up to me to
define the scope that I want "global" to mean. I can open a file and replace
each instance f a string in that file; or I can open several files and replace
every instance of a string in all of them. I can also instruct it to replace a
string in every file having a name matching a pattern I specify and residing in
a directory (a folder) I specify. I can also say whether or not to search within
subdirectories. In this way I can define my "world" far a global edit and can
save a lot of time by so doing.
When malformed variables are creating conflicts within a series of programs I
have, a well thought out global edit can restore harmony to the system. If only
it were that easy with that other kind of global peace.
Thanks for Reading!
– Vince Barnes
Q & A Goodies
Questions are taken from submissions to our Community Mentors. You can ask a Mentor a question by going to
Q. I am trying to figure out the way to provide the option popup window
that gives the user the option to save or open a file they get off of a website,
whether it be a PDF file or an image.
A. That is not something that the website controls. It is done
automatically by the operating system when the user clicks on the file. If the
user clicks on a link that is a PDF file for instance they may get the pop up
box that asks if they want to save or open the file. If the user has Adobe
Acrobat Reader installed on their computer it may just open it up using the
Acrobat Reader control embedded in IE.
Q. I am new to HTML and I though that I would try a css to make things a
little easier for me. I have been able to get most of it but I can’t get
anything to work for the BODY tag. I have tried cutting from the tutorial for
color. And have tried cutting background image from the tutorial and from
someone else’s page then change name for my image. I can get font to work but
can’t seem to get it to work on the body tag. The image name is right I have cut
it and put onto a page to double check.
Here is the code for my CSS page.
<STYLE TYPE="text/css"><!–
BODY {background-image: url(bicyclechain.jpg);}
TH {font-size: 9pt; color: #FFFFFF}
TD {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; color: #FFFFFF}
A. It appears to be the right code, but are your images in the same
folder/directory as the CSS files? I would try two things: first, use lowercase
letters for your HTML code in the HTML file and in the CSS file; second, use the
full URL for the image, like Some
browsers have trouble showing images from different folders, but can show them
if you’re using the full path (Netscape Navigator 4 is like this).
Q. I am wondering if there is a way to resize div layers according to
browser size inside of a CSS? My page is set for a 1024×700 but would like it to
resixe according to the viewers browser size. I know about the JavaScript
version but will that work with a position absolute attribute?
A. You could use relative sizes instead of absolute if you want the site
to be flexible against the user’s browser size. Relative sizes are usually
defined in percentages and absolute sizes in pixels. Unless you are looking for
a way to resize the user’s browser itself? That can’t be done with CSS, but you
could use JavaScript or DHTML.
Q. I’m looking for a password entry script that returns an asterisk in a
textarea as a user enters each letter of their password.
A. I have not seen one where you enter a password into a textarea, but
you can use the input type of password for that effect. Like this:
<input type="password" size="10" name="passw">
Also here is a link to some javascript password scripts:
You should know that JavaScript is not very secure when it comes to password
protecting documents.
Q. I would like to do is to have the main window either resize with no
menus (Like a standard pop up window, but without the pop up) or to have my
swish (it’s a product like Flash) come up in the browser window but sized at the
right size without the user being able to change it.
A. Here is an example of how you can keep the main window at a set size,
but you can change the other properties such as location, status, directories,
etc. <html> <head> <title>Resize test</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function doresize()
<body onResize="doresize()">
Q. Is there anyway that I can get a functioning login and password box so
that I can have people become members of my website? If so, do you know where I
could find a layout or a template for that code?
A. There are a couple of ways to do that. The easiest way with no
scripting is to password protect an entire folder. Your host may offer this.
They would have to set it up for you. They then give you access to a text file
that you can edit with as many passwords as you need. The other way would
require some kind of scripting and possibly a database to hold the usernames and
passwords. The scripting involved would depend on what you server supports. If
it is a Linux server then you would have to use PERL or PHP. If it is a Windows
server then you can use Active Server Pages(ASP). Take a look here: You may find something to use.
News Goodies
The Ramifications of VeriSign’s Wildcard Gambit
[September 22, 2003] Experts question VeriSign’s new policy
that catches URL typos, notably because there’s no one with
authority to make the owners of the .com and .net registry back
here to read the article
InterActive’s Last-Minute Travel Trophy: Hotwire
[September 22, 2003] Why bother with an IPO when Barry Diller’s company is
willing to fork over $665 million in cash for the online travel discounter.
Click here to read the article
Borland Extends C++ to Palm Devices
[September 22, 2003] Mixing PalmSource SDKs with Borland C++BuilderX, the
two companies say they can help fight the rising tide of Microsoft PowerPC
Click here to read the article
FTC Expands Case Against St. Louis Spammer
[September 22, 2003] Agency claims Dutch citizen participated in scam
misdirecting consumers to explicit Web sites.
Click here to read the article
EMC Airs Management Software for SMBs
[September 22, 2003] The storage systems vendor ushers in mid-tier
applications to give small- and medium-sized businesses the ability to
manage their storage devices more efficiently.
Click here to read the article
Microsoft Unveils Office ‘Fourth Pillar’
[September 22, 2003] The software titan steps into the solutions space with
a series of packages that sit on top of Office and can jumpstart efforts
like Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.
Click here to read the article
IBM Boosts Presence, Awareness with Lotus 6.5
[September 22, 2003] Big Blue gears up to launch Lotus Notes
and Domino 6.5 and signals a new bid to compete with
Microsoft on the productivity suite front.
Click here to read the article Looks for a Hit With Sporting Sales
[September 22, 2003] The e-commerce superstore enters the lucrative
sporting goods and equipment market in partnership with big-name brands.
Click here to read the article
DealTime Morphs Into
[September 22, 2003] The shopping search engine renames itself and girds for
battle against bigger search and e-commerce companies.
here to read the article
Maven Debuts Video/Data Platform
[September 22, 2003] The startup signs Virgin Records and others for
software that could shake up the online ad market.
Click here to read the article
Every week a site selected each week for review. Each week,
reviews of the previous week’s selected site are chosen for
publication on the HTML Goodies website.
The current week’s selected site is published in Goodies To
Go and in the Peer Reviews section of the website.
Current contact email addresses for submitting your site and
for submitting reviews are published in Goodies To Go.
If you would like to have your site reviewed, sign up for
the Goodies To Go newsletter in the Navigation Bar on the
left side of this page.
For full details about this program, see
Did you ever wish your newsletter was an easy two way communications medium?
Ploof! It now is!
If you would like to comment on the newsletter or expand/improve on something
you have seen in here, you can now send your input to:
We already receive a lot of email every day. This address will help us sort out
those relating specifically to this newsletter from all the rest. When you send
email to this address it may wind up being included in this section of the
newsletter, to be shared with your fellow readers.
Please don’t send your questions to this address.
They should be sent to our mentors: see
Remember the calendar script a few newsletters ago? I told
you I would publish the URLs of a couple of you efforts with
the script if you submitted them. Many thanks to those of
you who sent in addresses. There were quite a few
implementations of the calendar more or less "as is", such
as and
and there were some interesting modifications such as
Many thanks to all who participated.
If any of you have any interesting scripts that you have
written that you would like to share with our readership,
please send them in to the feedback address with the words
"Script Submission" in the subject line. Please do not send
in something you got from somewhere else. If you do an we
publish it as your work, there’s a good chance the copyright
holders will come after you and we don’t want that!!
Thanks again for all your feedback!
Windows Tech Goodie of the Week:
The Basics of .NET Tracing
A standard debugging tactic when developing in ASP is to
use Response.Write statements to display troubleshooting
information to the screen. With ASP.NET this practice has
(thankfully) become obsolete as the result of a feature
called tracing.
And Remember This . . .
On this day in…
1776 Nathan Hale Executed for Espionage
American patriot Nathan Hale was executed by the British on
this day in 1776. The Connecticut schoolteacher, Yale
graduate and captain in the Continental Army had joined a
Connecticut regiment in 1775. He participated in the siege
of Boston in 1775 through which George Washington succeeded
in driving the British out of Boston. In 1776 Hale crossed
British lines in civilian clothes in Long Island, New York,
to spy on them. He was captured as he attempted to return on
September 21st, and was hanged without trial the next day.
According to unverifiable legend, Nathan’s last words were
"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my
Today was also the day that: in 1692 the last time a
person in the US was hanged for witchcraft (8 people in
Salem Mass. bringing the total to 20 for the "Salem Witch
Trials"); 1944 the allies retake Boulogns; 1949
the USSR detonates its first atomic bomb; 1955
first commercial TV transmission in England; 1964 The
Man From U.N.C.L.E. premiers on NBC-TV; 1973 Henry
Kissinger sworn in as firs Jewish US Secretary of State;
1980 John & Yoko Lennon sign a recording contract with
Geffen Records; 1989 composer Irving Berlin dies at
101; 1991 Dead Sea Scrolls made public by Californian
Born today were: in 1694 Lord Chesterfield
(introduced the Gregorian Calendar in 1752); 1791
physicist Michael Faraday; 1927 baseball manager Tom
Lessorda; 1939 Japanese mountaineer Junko Tabei (1st
woman to climb Everest); 1954 actress Shari Belafonte
Harper; 1956 singer Debby Boone; 1960 singer
Joan Jett; 1960 actor Scott Baio
Thanks for reading Goodies to Go!