Friday, January 24, 2025

Goodies to Go ™
December 23, 2002– Newsletter #212

Goodies to Go ™
December 23, 2002–Newsletter #212

This newsletter is part of the network.

this week

* Goodies Thoughts –
World Wide Wish.
* Q & A Goodies
* News Goodies
* Feedback Goodies  

* And Remember This



Goodies Announcement

Just in case you missed
it before, the new Beyond HTML Goodies book is now available!


Go beyond the basics
and learn how the pros add and use dynamic HTML features and advanced
JavaScript techniques. Beyond HTML Goodies demonstrates dozens of new and
different features readers can add to their existing Web pages using HTML and
JavaScript. The book starts with simple text and image tips, such as adding a
clock to a Web page or causing text to appear when the mouse moves over an
image. It gradually builds to more complex tricks, including manipulating forms
or working with cookies behind the scenes. Throughout the book, readers enjoy
Joe’s snappy style and “to the point” discussion of each “goody” in the book.




World Wide Wish.

We frequently hear the name of the
World Wide Web shortened to "the Web". As web site
developers it would probably serve us well to
remember that the most distinctive and possibly the
most important aspect if its title is contained in
its first two words — the ones that are missing
from the abbreviation. We should remember that our
audience is "World Wide" and not just in our little
corner of it. Thinking along those lines inspired
the following thoughts.

I my corner of the world, there is a melee of people
scurrying around preparing for what is to them the
most important holiday of the year. The holiday is
of course, Christmas. As I prepare to send this
newsletter out to our web developer audience I am,
as is to be expected, wanting to wish you all a
happy Christmas. To all you Christians, I do! And to
all you non-Christians who supply Christmas goods to
Christians, I wish you a happy Christmas too!!

I don’t want, however to ignore the balance of my
audience. If my audience was ten thousand strong,
and represented a cross section of our global
community, only thirty-three hundred of you would be
Christian. Twenty-two hundred of you would be
Islamic, fifteen hundred would be Hindu, six hundred
would be Buddhist and four hundred would be Chinese
Traditional. Six hundred more of you would be
followers of Sikhism, Juche, Spiritism, Judaism,
Baha’i, Jainism, Shinto, Cao Dai, Tenrikyo,
Paganism, Unitarianism, Rastafarianism, Scientology,
Zoroastrianism or another religion, while the
remaining fourteen hundred would either be atheistic
or would have no religion at all (atheistic being
those that would say there is no supreme being, and
the others, secular and agnostic, don’t ask the
question in the first place and remain neutral,

Now this little list of interesting facts didn’t
just pop into my head. I wish my head worked like
that! Einstein once said that the greatest knowledge
a person can possess is the address of the local
library — he didn’t have the internet available,
obviously! Doing some research on the Web enabled me
to discover these statistics, and a whole lot more
about the religions I mentioned – some of which I
hadn’t even heard of before. In fact, everything
worth knowing (and a bunch of facts and information
that might not be <grin>) can be found somewhere on
the Web. As the Web grows, so does the pool of human
knowledge, and vice-versa.

Wars are fought all too frequently in the name of
religion. It is my belief that understanding leads
to tolerance and peace. Tolerance, by the way, seems
to be an important tenet of all these religions.
Knowledge leads to understanding, and knowledge can
be obtained from the World Wide Web.

The World Wide Web comes from you.

So to all you Web Developers, whatever your
religion, background or origin, I wish you wonderful
things at this time of the highest holy day of the
Christian religion, and thank you for all the work
you do to enlighten me via the unprecedented, most
magnificent, global communications medium of the
World Wide Web. May your creative skills continue to
grow, and your knowledge and wisdom continue to

Thanks for Reading!
– Vince Barnes



& A Goodies

Questions are taken
from submissions to our Community Mentors. You can ask a Mentor a question by
going to


Q. I’m having problems getting my style
sheets to work in Netscape, they work beautifully in
IE. The version I’m running is Netscape communicator

A. Netscape 4.7 has major problems coping
with the complicated CSS. So welcome to the club!
The best thing you can do is to keep trying
workarounds to make the site look OK for both

Q. I am trying to set up a form. Is there a
way to force the "To:" address? I’ve set up the
action="mailto:###", but when I test the form my
email keeps opening with all the text filled in, but
the "To:" space is blank.

The problem is the newer browsers don’t
support e-mail forms. You have to use a server side
script. Your web host may have something you can
use. There are also the Perl and ASP tutorials on
the site (
) which will help.
Check with your web host to find out what languages
they support.


Q. How do I make three tables all on the same
line with a space between them?

A. You make one large table at 100 percent
width and a border of zero,
with one row then add your three tables in the large
tables <td>
tags. Play around with the <td> widths to get the
size you need. You
can add a couple <td> tags with the code &nbsp;
which is just a blank
space to make some space between the 3 tables. Here
is a example of
the code:
<table summary="large table" align="center"
width="100%" border="0"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="30%">
<table summary="Menu Table" width="100%" border="1"
<tr align="center"><td>Menu</td></tr>
<td width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="30%">
<table summary="Main Table" width="100%" border="1"
<tr align="center"><td>Main</td></tr>
<td width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="30%">
<table summary="New Menu Table" width="100%"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr align="center"><td>New Menu</td></tr>

Q. Is there a way to create a menu of
hyperlinks over an image? I want a text menu over my
left margin images without having to create image

A. Use the image as the background of a table
cell and place the links in the table cell.

. When making an ordered list, is there a way
to make the numbers of the ordered list bold without
making the entire content of the ordered list bold?

A. Yes, put bold tags around the li tags.

Q. I am building a new site that is offering
songs written for customers. The owner of the
company wants customers to be able to hear a song
that has been written for them. How do I keep the
songs from being downloaded and stolen?

There’s the simple way and complex way. The
complex way is to come up with a password protected
section of the site in which users get access only
to what they’re supposed to have access to. The
simple way is to send them the link without putting
a link on the site, so only the customer has it. If
you don’t allow directory browsing, the only way
someone could get the song would be to guess the
file name. Make them hard to guess and you solve





News Goodies

White House Scrambles to Defuse Privacy Concerns

[December 23, 2002] Bush’s cybersecurity advisor
Richard Clarke claims the proposed Internet
monitoring system would be used only to track highly
aggregated information on the overall health of the
Internet. (see Monitoring System, below)

here to read the article


Sprint, Samsung Collaborate on Palm Phone

[December 23, 2002] Sprint and Samsung unveil a new
phone which combines the capabilities of the Palm
operating system and Sprint’s PCS Vision data

here to read the article


Court Finds Madster in Contempt
[December 23, 2002] File swapping service facing
up to $51,000 in fines for ignoring November order
to discontinue service.

Click here to read the article


President Bush to Propose Internet Monitoring System

The Bush administration will propose a new
Internet monitoring system and will require ISPs to
help build the system and track their users,
according to reports.

Click here to read the article



IBM, Microsoft Publish Web Services Specs
[December 18, 2002] Microsoft and IBM publish their
previously outlined Web services specifications for
conducting e-business.

Click here to read the article







Did you ever wish your newsletter was an easy two way communications medium?
Ploof! It now is!
If you would like to comment on the newsletter or expand/improve on something
you have seen in here, you can now send your input to:

We already receive a lot of email every day. This address will help us sort out
those relating specifically to this newsletter from all the rest. When you send
email to this address it may wind up being included in this section of the
newsletter, to be shared with your fellow readers.
Please don’t send your questions to this address.
They should be sent to our mentors: see

Many thanks to the writer of the suggestion
concerning the code included in this newsletter. I
don’t have your name, but you hail from Home Front
Studios. As you can see in this issue, we have used
your suggested technique.

Also thanks to Eileen Craun who provided this
suggestion as a alternative to SSI for the Q&A
question regarding a simplified header and footer:
Our server does not support this, so I use a line of
JavaScript to call an external .txt file like so:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"
Within the scripts folder I have both a header and a
footer that are called from every page. Doing it
like this I can update just one file, yet have all
my pages update.





Remember This
. . .

On this day in…

1948: Japanese War Criminals Hanged in Tokyo
In Tokyo, Japan, Hideki Tojo, former Japanese
premier and chief of the Kwantung Army, is executed
along with six other top Japanese leaders for their
war crimes during World War II. Seven of the
defendants were also found guilty of committing
crimes against humanity, especially in regard to
their systematic genocide of the Chinese people.
Unlike the Nuremberg trial of German war criminals,
where there were four chief prosecutors representing
Great Britain, France, the United States, and the
USSR, the Tokyo trial featured only one chief
prosecutor–American Joseph B. Keenan, a former
assistant to the U.S. attorney general. However,
other nations, especially China, contributed to the
proceedings, and Australian judge William Flood Webb
presided. In addition to the central Tokyo trial,
various tribunals sitting outside Japan judged some
5,000 Japanese guilty of war crimes, of whom more
than 900 were executed.



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Goodies to Go!


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