Goodies to Go ™
January 24, 2006 — Newsletter # 373
Featured this week:
* Q & A Goodies
* News Goodies
* Feedback Goodies
* Windows Tech Goodie of the Week
* And Remember This…
for easily creating a website navigation mechanism for your site visitors.
There can be a problem with this method, however, especially as it relates
to optimizing the site for search engine placement. There is, of course, a
way around the problem. In fact, there are several, but this week I present
a method that uses "Server Side Includes" to hold the page headings, menu
navigation bar and page footings in individual files that are "included" in
each page in the site.
an example. I have also put a copy of the source for the individual pages
in a viewable text page on the site so that you can easily refer to them.
Viewing the source of the resulting page on the site doesn’t show you where
the breaks occur, nor does it show you the "include" instructions. These
copies show all. The address of the example is:
and the source code is at:
enabled on the server that is hosting the site. Most servers these days are
configured to allow SSI, but if you have any doubt, check with your service
provider. If the server is running Unix (or Linux or similar) with SSI
enabled, any page can have an include instruction. On a Windows system (NT,
XP, 2000, 2003) includes are handled by the ASP preprocessor (asp.dll). By
default, the ASP preprocessor is invoked every time the server delivers a
page with a ".asp" extension. It will therefore be necessary to name pages
that have an include instruction with this extension. In my illustration,
which I have placed on a Windows 2000 server, I have named all the pages
this way including the "included" pages. This is for the sake of my ease.
It is only essential that pages which actually have the "include"
instruction follow this naming convention.
<!–#include virtual="/ssi/head.asp" –>
Enclosed in the quotes is the pathname and filename of the file to be
included. For good housekeeping purposes, I like to keep my "include"d
pages in their own directory, named here "ssi".
three files, on each for the Headings, Navigation and Footers. These three
parts will then be "included" into each page of the site. These are the
files "head.asp", "nav.asp" and "foot.asp".
information, the JavaScripts and <body> tag parameters we discussed last
week, and the page header that is to appear on each page. All this
information is in this file alone, so changing it once, right here, will
affect every page in the site that uses this "include"d file. I have added
comments in the code to make it easy to tell where each section of the
resulting page (as seen, for example, with "View Source") came from. This
is a good idea for making life easier in the future!
it last week. It then starts a table definition which includes a cell to
create space for the menu (see last week’s discussion) and then begins a
cell which will contain the main body of the page. Remember, this file will
be "include"d in each page in the site, and so the cell start will precede
the content in that page.
table cell and row. In my example, it then provides another table row that
holds copyright information. This information will now also appear in every
page in the site that "include"s this footer file.
use of the "include" statements. Notice that the content in this file
doesn’t care that it is contained within a table cell (the one started in
the navigation file and ended in the footer file.) In this page file we can
lay out page elements however we want them. The table that contains them
will be wrapped around them when the page in rendered to the site visitor.
In my example, I have placed a bunch of paragraphs containing the letter "a"
so that the page will be long enough to show off the place holding
capability of the navigation menu.
complicated, but if you look at the various components, and at the resulting
pages on the site, you should be able to follow it easily enough. Once you
get the hang of it, you will have mastered a quite sophisticated technique
for easy web site maintenance.
Thanks for reading!
Questions are taken from submissions to our Community
Mentors. You can ask a Mentor a question by going to
variable? I.e. insted of doing this:
document.all.sp1.innerHTML=(‘<img src=pt1.gif>’);
document.all.sp2.innerHTML=(‘<img src=pt1.gif>’);
document.all.sp3.innerHTML=(‘<img src=pt1.gif>’);
document.all.sp4.innerHTML=(‘<img src=pt1.gif>’);
document.all.sp5.innerHTML=(‘<img src=pt1.gif>’);
document.all.sp6.innerHTML=(‘<img src=pt1.gif>’);
document.all.sp7.innerHTML=(‘<img src=pt1.gif>’);
document.all.sp8.innerHTML=(‘<img src=pt1.gif>’);
is there any way like:
for( var n = 1; n < 9; n++)
document.all.sp + n + .innerHTML=(‘<img src=pt1.gif>’);
A. You could try to use the eval() method like
eval("document.all.sp" + n + ".innerHTML=(‘<img src=pt1.gif>’)");
someone clicks a link on my page. I don’t want a full size window, just a
small one. Can JavaScript do this?
link on a page you should set up a function in your head section of your
document that will be used by multiple links. You can pass the html page
you want to load in the window to the function when the link is clicked on.
With window.open() you can set the
width, height, postion and other attributes. Here is an example:
<script language="javascript"> function OpenWin(linkid)
{ NewWin=window.open
The variable "linkid" contains the page you want to load. This was passed
to the function when the link was clicked on. Then in the body section of
your document your link could look like this:
<A HREF="javascript:OpenWin(‘somepage.html’)">Apples</A>
You would wrap the link around the word that you want to click on for more
info. The HTML Goodies site does have a tutorial on window.open()
— Ed.)
Q. I have been working on trying to come up with a better menu for my index
page. I used Sothink DHTMLMenu to generate one. I have it working, but it
takes quite a while for the menu to load. What is my problem?
couple guesses. You have a bunch of images that need to load to make the
menu work. The browser looks for them when you do your mouseover, which
means calling the server and asking for the image, and repeating the process
for each image. My first guess is you could fix your problem with a
preloader, so the images are already in the browser cache. Here’s an example
of a preloader:
// preload images
var an_image1 = new Image(151,37);
an_image1.src = "images/navigation/options_home_over.jpg";
var an_image2 = new Image(151,37);
var an_image3 = new Image(151,37);
This is a JavaScript that declares a variable as an image and specifies the
size so the browser doesn’t have to figure it out, and then give the
variable a value consisting of a URL.
My second guess is that your images are large and taking a long time to
download. Keep them small, like 3k each, or even eliminate them if you can.
Get rid of the "best viewed at" message. No visitor will change their screen
setting just for your site, nor take the blame for he site not working at
their screen setting. You just have to make it work at different sizes.
.start {font-size: 8pt; color:#ffff00; background:#cc3333}
.end {font-size: 8pt; color:#cc3333; background:#ffff00}
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
function highlightButton(s) {
if ("INPUT"==event.srcElement.tagName)
The above is placed above </head>
Then the <FORM></FORM> lines are placed where I need them to be below
<FORM NAME=highlight onMouseover="highlightButton(‘start’)"
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Hot Computer Deals Of The Week!"
I would like the button to start out as it appears for
When the page loads, it is the standard grey default size button. Using
<STYLE></STYLE> I now have some control over the button size by specifying
font-size: 8pt; Of course, nothing happens until the cursor is passed over
the button.
I tried some [ onload= ] ideas that didn’t work. Is there a way to control
the initial appearance of the button?
just used one of the classes you had already set in your styles, but you can
create another one. The javascript helps with the changes.
<form name="highlight" onmouseover="highlightButton(‘start’)"
<input class="end" type="button" value="Hot Computer Deals Of The Week!"
I’m not sure which version of HTML you are using… I’m used to writing in
XHTML 1.0, so I’ve made the tags lowercase and added a / to the end of the
Q. I currently have a couple of javascripts that are used throughout my
website. One for a date and another for rollovers. Can these two be placed
onto one external js page with a single link to it, or should each be on
separate pages with its own individual link?
file and point to it this way:
<script src="myscript.js" language="JavaScript"></script>
One thing you will have to be careful of though is that if both scripts use
variable names that are the same one of them will have to be changed or you
will have a conflict. If you are already using them both on the same page
then this should not be a problem.
Discussion Goodies
Goodies website? It’s a great place to get help from others who, just like
you, are developing web pages. Many different topics appear in the forum,
and a new one will appear if you create it! Here’s a sample of recent
[January 24, 2006] New effort to produce GPL Flash player a top free
software priority.
Read the article:
‘Botmaster’ Pleads Guilty to Zombie Profits
[January 24, 2006] L.A. man faces 25 years for using botnet to spread spam,
Read the article:
A More Personal Side to Google News
[January 24, 2006] The company adds new customization options to its online
news aggregator.
Read the article:
IBM: Users Are The Weak Link in Security
[January 24, 2006] Widespead outbreaks are declining, but don’t get too
Read the article:
180solutions Spyware Practice Far From Perfect
[January 24, 2006] CDT fingers the online advertising firm for causing
‘immeasurable’ harm to consumers.
Read the article:
EMC Shows No Signs of Slowdown
[January 24, 2006] Technology stocks have been battered in recent weeks on
earnings that have failed to live up to Wall Street’s expectations, but EMC
showed no signs of a slowdown in its quarterly report Tuesday.
Read the article:
Time Swings For Golf.com
[January 24, 2006] The acquisition expands the media giant’s portfolio of
online sports content.
Read the article:
Yahoo’s Spanish Connection
[January 24, 2006] Yahoo Research Expands to Spain and Chile.
Read the article:
Feds Slam Microsoft on Compliance
[January 23, 2006] UPDATED: Response to Microsoft’s monthly status report
says Redmond’s response time is slipping.
Read the article:
Report: Online Retail on Easy Street
[January 23, 2006] Online retail spending will enjoy a healthy few years.
Read the article:
Feedback Goodies
two way communications medium? Ploof! It now is!
If you would like to comment on the newsletter or expand/improve on
something you have seen in here, you can now send your input to:
This address helps us sort out those relating specifically to this
newsletter from all the rest. When you send email to this address it may
wind up being included in this section of the newsletter, to be shared with
your fellow readers. Please don’t send your questions to this address.
They should be sent to our mentors: see
Windows Tech Goodie of the Week
Debugger Visualizers
debugger visualizers, examine some of the built-in visualizers, look at a
few free visualizers developed by various folks in the community, and see
how to create our own visualizer! Read on to learn more!
*** AND ***
Multi-User Login With Database-Based
multi-user login system that uses a database for authentication. The code
includes new user registration, login, password retrieval, account
information, admin accounts, etc. The code is written in ASP and VBscript.
*** AND ***
Using Apache-Style HTTP Authentication on IIS
password protected areas of your web site without creating system user
accounts? What about moving a password protected website from Apache to IIS?
This article examines a free product that makes both of these tasks
amazingly simple.
Robert Baden-Powell’s "Scouting For Boys" was
published on this day in 1908, prompting the start of the Boy Scout
Movement. A war hero who defended Mafeking for 217 days during the South
Africa war, Baden-Powell was already well known for a soldiers’ handbook
entitled Aids for Scouting. The book, which included lessons in tracking
and observation, had become popular with boys, who invented many games based
on the lessons in the book. Baden-Powell was inspired to write "Scouting
For Boys" by this popularity. By the end of 1908 there were 60,000 Boy
Scouts in troops all over England, and more troops were starting up around
the world. A publisher from Chicago, William Boyce, became lost in a London
fog and was guided to safety by a Boy Scout who refused Boyce’s offer of a
tip because it would "be improper for a Boy Scout to take a tip for a good
deed." Inspired by this act, Boyce organized some regional American
organizations, including the Woodcraft Indians and the Sons of Daniel Boone
into the Boy Scouts of America, which was incorporated on February 8, 1910.
Today was also the day that in: 1839
Charles Darwin was elected a member of the Royal Society; 1908
General Baden Powell formed the Boy Scouts; 1924 Russian city of St
Petersburg was renamed Leningrad; 1939 30,000 were killed by
earthquake in Concepcion Chile; 1943 Hitler ordered Nazi troops at
Stalingrad to fight to death; 1958 After warming to 100,000,000:, 2
light atoms were banged together to create a heavier atom, resulting in the
first man-made nuclear fusion; 1962 Brian Epstein signed a management
contract with the Beatles; 1984 Apple Computer Inc unveiled its
Macintosh personal computer;
Born today were: in 1883 actress Estelle
Winwood (Goodwin); 1913 TV producer Mark Goodson; 1915 actor
Ernest Borgnine; 1918 Televangelist Oral Roberts; 1919 author
Nora Beloff; 1924 English landowner, father of Diane, the 8th Earl
Spencer; 1928 English zoologist Desmond Morris; 1941 singer
Neil Diamond; 1941 singer Aaron Neville; 1943 actress Sharon
Tate; 1947 musician Warren Zevon; 1949 actor/comedian John
Belushi; 1960 German actress Nastassja Kinski; 1969 actress
Stephanie Romanov; 1970 actor Matthew Lillard; 1993 daughter
of Howard, Ashley Jade Stern;