Goodies to Go ™
September 27, 2005 — Newsletter # 356
Featured this week:
* Q & A Goodies
* News Goodies
* Feedback Goodies
* Windows Tech Goodie of the Week
* And Remember This…
like to see added to their Word program. Surprisingly, or perhaps not
quite so, all the most requested features were already in the product!
The trouble is that there are so many features and options in the
program that most people never find them and are not aware of their
you can choose between Windows or Linux hosts, but what other options
are there? In fact, does it really matter which operating system you
are hosted on?
hosting company chooses to run. All the most sought after features,
such as PHP, MySQL, FrontPage Extensions, Perl, ASP, etc., etc. are
available on either Windows or Unix/Linux flavor operating systems. So
what’s left to choose from? Customer Service? Price??
hosting versus domain hosting. And what do I mean by that
differentiation? So glad you asked!
our server, here is how you access it, here is its actual URL – you can
point any domain name or URL you like at it" type of hosting service.
system and you are provided with a "control panel" that allows you to
administer a much wider range of features associated with your domain,
such as who has what kind of access to what areas of your site, what
happens to email sent to users in the domain, where the email boxes are,
and so on.
to the webmaster — or should they now be titled "domainmaster"? Over
the next few issues of Goodies To Go I’m going to take a closer look at
this subject and see what I can come up with for you. Stay tuned!
– Vince Barnes
Questions are taken from submissions to our Community
Mentors. You can ask a Mentor a question by going to
plain old links. I don’t know how to do this and if I change a thing, it
won’t work. Please help! Also, I need help on putting the image in one
place, and placing the text in another. I have a square box that I need
to put the image flip in.
<title>Image Flip</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function flip(img,imgn)
<a href="somepage.html" onmouseover="flip(‘1.gif’,’pica’)"
onmouseout="flip (‘0.gif’,’pica’)">Mouse Over Me</a>
<img src="0.gif" name="pica" border="0"></a><br>
As far as placing the picture it depends on how you have your square box
defined. You could use a table to position the image or even layers
such as <div> or <span> in combination with the style tag.
Q. I have a piece of Java script I got off the HTML goodies page to open
a new window. It works well enough but what I want it to do is to run
from an onClick event handler. How do I get it to do this.?
can call the function either by using the onClick or by placing the
function call in the "href". Here is an example:
<title>Open new window</title>
<script LANGAUAGE="javascript">
function OpenWin()
MessageWin=window.open ("http://www.wsabstract.com",
<a href="JavaScript:OpenWin()">Click here</a> <br>Or you can use the
<a href="#" onClick="OpenWin()">Click here</a>
variable that contains the link you want to open up in the new window
like this:
<html> <head>
<title>Open new window</title>
<script LANGAUAGE="javascript">
function OpenWin(linkid)
<a href="JavaScript:OpenWin(‘https://www.htmlgoodies.com’)">Click
<br>Or you can use the onClick event:
<a href="#" onClick="OpenWin(‘https://www.htmlgoodies.com’)">Click
here</a> </center> </body> </html>
help system for my website. The basic idea is that you mouse over a set
of services (system checkup, basic service, advanced service, etc) and a
window pops up telling you what it is you’re going to be paying for. I
can get windows to pop up quite neatly…it’s getting them to go away
again that’s having me in fits. Is there any way to do something like:
onMouseOut="window.diediedie(‘popup’);return true"
and have it actually work?
and looks great.
whom have difficulty seeing small fonts. Can you please tell me how I
can code a page to include the option to change the size of font?
user to change the font size of the text by choosing a different style
sheet. There are several style sheets used and some JavaScript can be
used to help some browsers that do not recognize CSS. For a detailed
explaination of how to use this, take a look at this site:
You could also do a search for Style Sheet Switcher and maybe come up
with more versions of the same switcher.
Q. I found a script that disallows the right clicking to "view
source" which is great.. however is there another code that disallows
the ability to click on the "Source" option under the View Toolbar?
A. There is no way to stop them from viewing the source using the
"view source" option.
However, the selected peer review winner of 4/28/03,
http://atlantacelticfestival.org reveals this message when you click
on view source:
Am I just misinterpreting what is being said here? Could someone please
clarify this?
space between the first link and the start of the HTML and JavaScript
code. Not sure why they are doing it because their code is nothing
special. All you have to do is scroll down and you will see the code.
[September 27, 2005] Microsoft will officially launch its first backup
and recovery product late Tuesday, a near-continuous data protection
(CDP) application.
Read the article:
Red Hat EAL To Get Government Blessing
[September 27, 2005] IBM sponsors the yet be released Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 5 for EAL4 certification.
Read the article:
Next Stop For IBM’s Express Servers: SMBs
[September 27, 2005] Big Blue builds three new machines designed for
small businesses, looking to lure new customers at a low cost.
Read the article:
Smartphones Take Center Stage
[September 27, 2005] Conference highlights advances like Wi-Fi and
Mobile VoIP. What about the phone as PC?
Read the article:
Cutoff Deadline Looms For VoIP Subscribers
[September 27, 2005] Customers who have not acknowledged E911
limitations face limited or no service after midnight tonight.
Read the article:
Microsoft in Open Source Partnership
[September 27, 2005] UPDATED: Agreement with middleware maker JBoss
marks a new high temperature in the thawing of Redmond.
Read the article:
Symantec Backup, But With a Veritas Twist
[September 27, 2005] The software maker shows off its data protection
and security integration work since closing its Veritas purchase.
Read the article:
MSN Puts Paid Search on Trial
[September 26, 2005] France and Singapore are the first to try it out.
Read the article:
Google Dips a Toe Into Data Management
[September 26, 2005] StoredIQ helps Google Enterprise customers make
better use of their data.
Read the article:
Mobile Search For Fun Nearby
[September 26, 2005] InfoSpace launches mobile search products to help
find local entertainment and businesses.
Read the article:
Feedback Goodies
medium? Ploof! It now is!
If you would like to comment on the newsletter or expand/improve on
something you have seen in here, you can now send your input to:
out those relating specifically to this newsletter from all the rest.
When you send email to this address it may wind up being included in
this section of the newsletter, to be shared with your fellow readers.
Please don’t send your questions to this address. They should be sent
to our mentors: see
Last week’s "Not Logic" topic seems to have touched a nerve!! I
received a lot of responses ranging from disputes of the logic in
question to dissertations on the entire subject of Logic! Many thanks
to all who did write in – I hand a lot of fun reading and I learned
quite a bit from you! (If you missed it, you can find it in the
Archive, here:
Language question, and the most common "correction" was : "Is it true
that it’s not (red or black)?" or a close variation. Sorry folks!!
This is an attempt to apply mathematical notation to an English language
statement. The result is simply not English. This does, however,
admirably highlight my point — the logic problem stems from the
difference between the language "as she is spoke" and the science of
Thanks for all your feedback!
Windows Tech Goodie of the Week
the system. Some entities may share a one-to-many relationship, others a
many-to-many relationship. In either type of relationship, there are
times when we may need to provide a comma-delimited list of related
records. Read on to learn how!
*** AND ***
DropDownList Navigation ASP.NET Sample Code
with site locations and have clients use it to navigate your site. It
includes both the client-side javascript and server-side redirection
code so that you can choose whichever you prefer.
*** AND ***
Implementing Remote Calling Without Using AJAX
for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and is a method used to implement
remote calling. The problem is that AJAX is only implemented in ASP.NET
2.0. This article will show you one way to implement remote calling
without using AJAX or the XMLHttpRequest object. The technique outlined
can even be used from classic ASP and is sufficient for most remote
calling needs.
assassination of US President John F. Kennedy. The report, released on
this day in 1964, concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots
from a rifle pointed out of a window on the sixth floor of the Texas
Book Depository. The report also concluded that Oswald had acted alone,
and the Jack Ruby, who fatally shot Oswald on live national television,
had had no previous contact with Oswald. Thus, the report concluded
that there had been no conspiracy in the assassination. The report did
not, however, silence the conspiracy theories, and in 1978 the House
Select Committee on Assassinations issued a report that indicated that
Kennedy was "probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy".
According to this report, the killing may have involved multiple
shooters and organized crime. both conclusions are still disputed by
many people today.
Today was also the day that in: 1540 the Society of Jesus (the
Jesuits) was founded by Ignatius de Loyola; 1779 John Adams
negotiated Revolutionary War peace terms with Britain; 1787
Constitution was submitted to the states for ratification; 1821
Revolutionary forces occupied Mexico City as Spanish withdraw and the
Mexican Empire declared its independence; 1938 Ocean liner Queen
Elizabeth was launched at Glasgow; 1988 Lab tests reportedly
prove that the Shroud of Turin was not Christs burial cloth; 1989
Sony took over Columbia Pictures for $3.4 billion cash; 1990
Senate Judiciary committee approved Justice Souter’s Supreme Court
of Massachusetts (1789-94) Samuel Adams; 1792 illustrator (for
Charles Dickens) George Cruickshank; 1817 the first black US
Senator Hiram R. Revels; 1895 actor George Raft; 1920
actor William Conrad; 1933 actress Kathleen Nolan; 1934
actor Wilfred Brimley; 1947 model/actress Cheryl Tiegs; 1947
actress Liz Torres; 1947 musician Marvin Lee Aday (Meatloaf);
1998 Search Engine Google (
http://www.google.com — get yourself a slice of chocolate cake —
today only!)