Developers have depended on Adobe’s Dreamweaver for the design and creation of websites for years now. Adobe’s Dreamweaver CS5.5 has taken the tool to the next level by providing developers with a tool that enables them to create not only standard websites, but also mobile web content for iOS and Android devices.
Adobe’s move is logical given the prevalence of internet-capable mobile devices in use today. Most developers have them, most teenagers have them, and yes, your boss is likely to have one–and although it may not be their preferred mechanism to view websites, they are indeed viewing them on those devices.
Adobe’s commitment to HTML5 is one of progressive introduction. They wait until a particular HTML5 element is “solid” and ready for prime time, and then add it into the Dreamweaver code library. They have updated support for Android’s open source page rendering engine, WebKit, which is used by not only the Android browser, but also Google Chrome and Apple Safari.