Monday, January 20, 2025

Top 10 JavaScript Snippets for Common Tasks

Web developers often use JavaScript for common tasks on their websites. In this tutorial we’ll show you the top 10 JavaScript snippets you can use on your webpages by just cutting and pasting!

In this article we’re going to cover the following popular script snippets!

  1. Date display
  2. Calendar
  3. Close Window
  4. Copy Selected Text
  5. Back to Previous Page
  6. Focus OnLoad
  7. Break out of Frames
  8. Add to Favorites
  9. IP Address
  10. Specify Referring Page

Date Display

You can use this snippet to display the current date in this format: Friday, June 11, 2010. Just paste the following code where you want the date to show up on your page:

var now = new Date();

var days = new Array(‘Sunday’,’Monday’,’Tuesday’,’Wednesday’,’Thursday’,’Friday’,’Saturday’);

var months = new Array(‘January’,’February’,’March’,’April’,’May’,’June’,’July’,’August’,’September’,’October’,’November’,’December’);

var date = ((now.getDate()<10) ? “0” : “”)+ now.getDate();

function fourdigits(number) {
return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number;
today =  days[now.getDay()] + “, ” +
        months[now.getMonth()] + ” ” +
        date + “, ” +
        (fourdigits(now.getYear())) ;



This is a plain and simple monthly calendar. It’s formatted with styles sheets so the appearance can easily be changed. In the head of your document, add the following style sheet and JavaScript code:

<style type=”text/css”>
span.label {color:black;width:30;height:16;text-align:center;margin-top:0;background:#ffF;font:bold 13px Arial}
span.c1 {cursor:hand;color:black;width:30;height:16;text-align:center;margin-top:0;background:#ffF;font:bold 13px Arial}
span.c2 {cursor:hand;color:red;width:30;height:16;text-align:center;margin-top:0;background:#ffF;font:bold 13px Arial}
span.c3 {cursor:hand;color:#b0b0b0;width:30;height:16;text-align:center;margin-top:0;background:#ffF;font:bold 12px Arial}
<script type=”text/javascript”>
function maxDays(mm, yyyy){
var mDay;
if((mm == 3) || (mm == 5) || (mm == 8) || (mm == 10)){
mDay = 30;
  mDay = 31
  if(mm == 1){
   if (yyyy/4 – parseInt(yyyy/4) != 0){
   mDay = 28
   mDay = 29
return mDay;
function changeBg(id){
if (eval(id).style.backgroundColor != “yellow”){
eval(id).style.backgroundColor = “yellow”
eval(id).style.backgroundColor = “#ffffff”
function writeCalendar(){
var now = new Date
var dd = now.getDate()
var mm = now.getMonth()
var dow = now.getDay()
var yyyy = now.getFullYear()
var arrM = new Array(“January”,”February”,”March”,”April”,”May”,”June”,”July”,”August”,”September”,”October”,”November”,”December”)
var arrY = new Array()
for (ii=0;ii<=4;ii++){
arrY[ii] = yyyy – 2 + ii
var arrD = new Array(“Sun”,”Mon”,”Tue”,”Wed”,”Thu”,”Fri”,”Sat”)

var text = “”
text = “<form name=calForm>”
text += “<table border=1>”
text += “<tr><td>”
text += “<table width=100%><tr>”
text += “<td align=left>”
text += “<select name=selMonth onChange=’changeCal()’>”
for (ii=0;ii<=11;ii++){
if (ii==mm){
text += “<option value= ” + ii + ” Selected>” + arrM[ii] + “</option>”
text += “<option value= ” + ii + “>” + arrM[ii] + “</option>”
text += “</select>”
text += “</td>”
text += “<td align=right>”
text += “<select name=selYear onChange=’changeCal()’>”
for (ii=0;ii<=4;ii++){
if (ii==2){
text += “<option value= ” + arrY[ii] + ” Selected>” + arrY[ii] + “</option>”
text += “<option value= ” + arrY[ii] + “>” + arrY[ii] + “</option>”
text += “</select>”
text += “</td>”
text += “</tr></table>”
text += “</td></tr>”
text += “<tr><td>”
text += “<table border=1>”
text += “<tr>”
for (ii=0;ii<=6;ii++){
text += “<td align=center><span class=label>” + arrD[ii] + “</span></td>”
text += “</tr>”
aa = 0
for (kk=0;kk<=5;kk++){
text += “<tr>”
for (ii=0;ii<=6;ii++){
text += “<td align=center><span id=sp” + aa + ” onClick=’changeBg(’>1</span></td>”
aa += 1
text += “</tr>”
text += “</table>”
text += “</td></tr>”
text += “</table>”
text += “</form>”
function changeCal(){
var now = new Date
var dd = now.getDate()
var mm = now.getMonth()
var dow = now.getDay()
var yyyy = now.getFullYear()
var currM = parseInt(document.calForm.selMonth.value)
var prevM
if (currM!=0){
prevM = currM – 1
prevM = 11
var currY = parseInt(document.calForm.selYear.value)
var mmyyyy = new Date()
var day1 = mmyyyy.getDay()
if (day1 == 0){
day1 = 7
var arrN = new Array(41)
var aa
for (ii=0;ii<day1;ii++){
arrN[ii] = maxDays((prevM),currY) – day1 + ii + 1
aa = 1
for (ii=day1;ii<=day1+maxDays(currM,currY)-1;ii++){
arrN[ii] = aa
aa += 1
aa = 1
for (ii=day1+maxDays(currM,currY);ii<=41;ii++){
arrN[ii] = aa
aa += 1
for (ii=0;ii<=41;ii++){
eval(“sp”+ii).style.backgroundColor = “#FFFFFF”
var dCount = 0
for (ii=0;ii<=41;ii++){
if (((ii<7)&&(arrN[ii]>20))||((ii>27)&&(arrN[ii]<20))){
eval(“sp”+ii).innerHTML = arrN[ii]
eval(“sp”+ii).className = “c3”
eval(“sp”+ii).innerHTML = arrN[ii]
if ((dCount==0)||(dCount==6)){
eval(“sp”+ii).className = “c2”
eval(“sp”+ii).className = “c1”
if ((arrN[ii]==dd)&&(mm==currM)&&(yyyy==currY)){
dCount += 1
if (dCount>6){

Then, in the body of your document, add the following where you want the calendar to show up:

<script type=”text/javascript”>writeCalendar()</script>

Close Window

A close window function is useful when you use a pop-up window on your page, as it allows the visitor to easily close the window. You can do it several ways:

To use a button, paste the following where you want the button to appear:

<input type=button value=”Close Window” onClick=”javascript:window.close();”>

For a text link, paste the following where you want the link to appear:

<a href=”javascript:window.close();”>Click to Close Window</a>

To make the window close after a given number of seconds, add the event handler to the <body> tag. FYI, 20000 equals 20 seconds.

<BODY onLoad=”setTimeout(window.close,20000)”>

Copy Selected Text

Often you may have some information on your page that your visitors might want to copy. You can make it easier for them by providing a mechanism that allows them to simply click a button to do so. First you need to paste this code into the head of your web page:

function copyit(theField) {
var selectedText = document.selection;
if (selectedText.type == ‘Text’) {
var newRange = selectedText.createRange();
theField.value = newRange.text;
} else {
alert(‘select a text in the page and then press this button’);

And in the body of your web page, add the following where you want the text to appear:

<form name=”it”>
<div align=”center”>
<input onclick=”copyit(this.form.select1)” type=”button” value=”Press to copy the highlighted text” name=”btnCopy”>
<textarea name=”select1″ rows=”4″ cols=”45″></textarea>

JavaScript Back Button

Just like your browser’s back button, the following script allows the user to press a button to returns the user to the previous page. Paste the following code where you want the button to appear on your page:

<INPUT TYPE=”Button” VALUE=”Previous Page” onClick=”history.go(-1)”>

If you would rather use a link, paste the following code where you want the link to appear:

<a href=”javascript:history.back(1)”>Previous Page</a>

Break out of Frames

To stop your page being framed by someone else, which isn’t a common practice any longer thankfully, put this event handler into the body tag of your document:

<body onLoad=”if (self != top) top.location = self.location”>

Add to Favorites

Although this only works in Internet Explorer, it’s still worth noting. Paste the following code below on a single line where you want the link to appear:

<a href=”javascript:window.external.AddFavorite(‘’, ‘Your Site Name’)”>Add to Favorites</a>

Focus OnLoad

You can put the user’s cursor inside a text box (calling the text box’ focus) as soon as the page is loaded. This helps ensure that visitors do not ‘overlook’ an important form item on your site. It only uses one line of code! This part goes into your body tag:

<BODY OnLoad=”document.nameform.user.focus();”>

Then you just use the name of the form and field name within your form (you can change the form and field names, but need to do so within the function and the form):

<form name=”nameform”>
Name:  <input type=text name=user size=10>

IP Address

Often you may want to let the visitor know that you are aware of their IP address. You can do so using a few lines of code, as shown here. Place the code where you want the IP address to appear:

var ip = ‘<!–#echo var=”REMOTE_ADDR”–>’;
document.write(“Your IP address is” + ip);

Specify Referring Page

This script makes sure that your visitor can only reach a given page from the page that you specify. Paste the following before the ending head tag on the page:

var allowedreferrer = “”;
if (document.referrer.indexOf(allowedreferrer) == -1) {
alert(“You can only access this page from ” + allowedreferrer);

That’s it! If you know of some other script snippets, let us know using the comments below and we will add them to this article!

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