The non-dithering color codes by Lynda Weinman. Used with permission.
Huh? Dithering? What?
As if there isn’t enough to be concerned
about in terms of colors – here’s one more little deal. This is a chart
of 216 “non-dithering” colors. In layman’s terms, these colors will look
like the color you ask for on all browsers and all computer screen resolution
Have you ever seen a color created by what
appeared to be one solid color and then a few lighter colored dots across the top? It didn’t blend at all, but sort of created the color.
Have you ever printed something in color, and instead of being a straight
color, it appeared to be a series of different colored dots?
I guess if you were able to truly mix those
colors together, you would get the color you are looking for. But they’re not
mixed. That’s dithering.
What Makes These Colors So Great?
They won’t dither. They always give a nice smooth
color on web pages and in graphics.
The reason is because these are the 216
colors chosen by Windows and MAC operating platforms to make up their palettes of colors.
The colors that aren’t represented here are the colors that these try to make up
by dithering. Get it?
The color list comes from a mathematical
formula using the shades 00, 33, 66, 99, CC, and FF from hex codes.
Using just those 6 hex combinations over red, blue, and green hues, gives us a
total of 216 colors that will render perfectly on your screen.
- Read a much more in-depth description of hex codes here.
- Also look into the 140 word and hex code combinations.
That said – here you go. These are the chosen 216.
CCFF33 | CCFF00 | 99FFFF | 99FFCC | 99FF99 |
66FFFF | 99FF66 | 99FF33 | 66FFCC | FFCCFF |
99FF00 | 33FFFF | FFCCCC | 33FFCC | 00FFFF |
66FF99 | FFCC99 | 66FF66 | 66FF33 | 00FFCC |
66FF00 | 33FF99 | FFCC66 | FFCC33 | CCCCFF |
33FF66 | 33FF33 | 00FF99 | FFCC00 | 33FF00 |
00FF66 | 00FF33 | 00FF00 | CCCCCC | CCCC99 |
99CCFF | CCCC66 | CCCC00 | CCCC33 | 99CCCC |
FF99FF | 99CC99 | 66CCFF | FF99CC | 99CC66 |
66CCCC | 99CC33 | 00CCFF | 33CCFF | 99CC00 |
FF9999 | 66CC99 | FF9966 | 66CC66 | 33CCCC |
CC99FF | 00CCCC | FF9933 | FF9900 | 66CC33 |
66CC00 | 33CC99 | 00CC99 | CC99CC | 33CC66 |
00CC66 | CC9999 | FF66FF | 33CC33 | 33CC00 |
CC9966 | 00CC33 | 9999FF | 00CC00 | CC9933 |
CC9900 | FF66CC | 9999CC | FF6699 | 999999 |
6699FF | FF6666 | CC66FF | 999966 | 6699CC |
999933 | FFCC33 | FF6600 | FF33FF | 3399FF |
999900 | 669999 | CC66CC | 0099FF | FF33CC |
3399CC | CC6699 | 669966 | FF00FF | 339999 |
669933 | 669900 | FF3399 | 0099CC | 9966FF |
CC6666 | 009999 | CC6633 | CC6600 | 339966 |
FF00CC | FF3366 | 009966 | CC33FF | FF3333 |
339933 | 009933 | 9966CC | FF3300 | FF0099 |
339900 | 009900 | 6666FF | CC33CC | FF0066 |
996699 | FF0033 | FF0000 | CC00FF | CC3399 |
996666 | 6666CC | 996633 | 996600 | 3366FF |
CC3366 | CC00CC | 9933FF | 0066FF | 666699 |
CC3333 | CC3300 | 3366CC | CC0099 | 9933CC |
666666 | 666633 | 0066CC | 9900FF | 666600 |
CC0066 | 336699 | 993399 | CC0033 | 6633FF |
336666 | 006699 | CC0000 | 993366 | 9900CC |
336633 | 006666 | 336600 | 6633CC | 3333FF |
006633 | 993333 | 993300 | 6600FF | 990099 |
006600 | 0033FF | 663399 | 009966 | 3333CC |
663366 | 6600CC | 990033 | 0033CC | 990000 |
3300FF | 663333 | 663300 | 660099 | 0000FF |
333399 | 3300CC | 003399 | 333300 | 660066 |
333333 | 003366 | 0000CC | 660033 | 333300 |
660000 | 330099 | 003333 | 003300 | 000099 |
330066 | 330033 | 000066 | 330000 | 000033 |
000000 |