Hello, This is a one
off tutorial, I wanted to try my hand at writing one as I was often
annoyed at others I’d read, they often introduced things that simply
hadn’t been covered without explanation or gave a brief overview on
something far too short to get a grip on. If you like this tutorial or
think I’ve missed something out or failed to explain something properly
please Email me. If I get
positive response I might write another one.
Before we
This Tutorial is aimed at people who already have access to
php, hopefully your host has php set up on your system and you can start
writing right away. If so good, otherwhise bug them to set it up sharpish
or find a better host. Alternatively you could try setting it up locally
on your machine (English: Downloading A server that can be run offline on
your windows or linux operating system) Apache would work for this.
However that is a little advanced for this tutorial, but if you want to
give it a go there are some good tutorials on doing just that over at ScriptSearch under php/Tutorials. For now
we’re going to assume you can run php scripts, php scripts are saved with
the file extension .php or .php3 depending on what version of php your
running. Ask your host, if their running the current version (and they
should be) of php version 4 then a .php extension will be used otherwhise
Php Tags
Php tags are inserted right into html
code with <?php and ?> Tags, like so.<BODY>
“Php rocks”;
You can switch in and out of php code
at any time. We’ve also just introduced our first comand ‘print’ which
will be explained next.
The print statement is the
most simple to understand, it does exactly what you would expect, it
prints “php rocks” to the page. This example is a bit stupid in that it
could be done without php very easily and quicker but it’s a good starting
point. Note two very important things
1… “Php Rocks” is in quotes.
This is important always put your strings in “quotes”. You can also use
commas ‘Php Rocks’ for literal strings.(ENGLISH: Literal means that it
will print what’s in the ‘quotes’ exactly as you put it. Non Literal with
“double quotes” will convert ‘VARIABLES’ to their values. Variables are
coming next’. A ‘String’ is just some text so with the comand print ‘Php
Rocks’ you are Printing the Literal String Php Rocks’ Got it? oh
well come read this bit again after I’ve introduced you to
2… the semi colon (;) at the end of the print line. All
php lines should finish with a semi colon or they wont opperate properly.
This can be hard to remember but php throws relivent errors usually if you
try to run a script with errors in it so you can find them. the ; actually
goes at the end of each statement, a statement being one comand. So this
would also work.<?php
“Php rocks”; print “PHP ROCKS THE HOUSE”;
Variables are great, In as simple an
explanation I can think of they are just bits of data that you can use
anywhere in your script by just refering to their name. A Variable is
always identified with an $ symbol. This makes sure the php engine
understands that it’s got a variable to handle and not just normal text,
if you want to display a $ character in your text you’d use an
Escape Character like this $ The Escapes a symbols normal value.
Don’t worry too much about this right now. Anyway An example would
probably be best at this point.<?php
= “Php Rocks”; print “$rocks”;
Now would be a good idea to get accross that
‘literal’ idea. Consider this code with the print comand using single
= “Php Rocks”;
print ‘$rocks’;
note that php didn’t convert $rocks to it’s value. That’s what a literal
string does, it’s useful if you want to print something that doesn’t use
Variables in it. You’ll probably understand the point to that more as you
get into adding html via print. So Far we’ve only talked about the
‘string’ variable types which have text inside them, you can also use
Number types or Integer if you want to make it harder to understand 😉
Number types don’t take ‘quotes’ or “double quotes” unless you want to
print a number and not change it’s value. Again examples are best for this
kind of thing. Consider this.<?php
= 100;
print $rocks;
$rocks = $rocks + 50;
print “<BR>
Rocks now contains the number $rocks”;
now contains the number 150
This just got a tad larger
and may confuse those of you who are slow (like I was ;)) Line One
$rocks is first assigned the value of 100 (the = sign always ‘assigns’
values if you hadn’t worked that out already)
Line TwoWe then
print the variable $rocks which displays 100 on the html page. You’ll
notice we didn’t use any “quotes” with that print statement This is
because we were only printing the number and not any text therefore it
wasn’t needed.
Line Three We ‘Changed’ the value of $rocks. This
is a new concept but is the reason variables are so great. $rocks now
equals $rocks plus 50… As $rocks was equal to 100 before it is now equal
to 150
Line Four And finally we print the new value, this time
we HAVE used quotes as we wanted to print a string and add the number
inside it. We’ve also added a <BR> Tag in there so that it appears
on a new line when rendered in HTML.
Hopefully your still with me.
I’m going to give you a complicated example but it wont use any new
techniques try to keep up with it. I’m not going to analyse it for you I’m
hoping you’ll understand it and therefore feel more confident in keeping
up with it all, if you don’t just go back and read what has been said thus
far and examine the code.
Welcome to”;
$number3=$number – $number2;
$string3=”This php
tutorial, it is my $number3 st Tutorial”;
print “$finalstring”;
Will Display..Hello And
Welcome to
This php tutorial, it is my 1 st Tutorial
Tiny note. You’ll see I used the – (minus character)
Devision and multiplication on keyboards is done with the / and *
characters respectfully
We’re going to introduce a
slightly more complicated example now. The ‘WHILE’ loop. Looping is that
great thing in programing languages. It allows you to display vast tables
or masses of data with very little programing. The While loop works like
this. While Condition is true Do this stuff… You may be
wondering what being ‘true’ means. Everything you do in php or any
programing languages returns a value of either Ture or False. Usually this
is true. If you were to assign nothing to a variable it would be FALSE
however if it contains anything else it’ll be true with the exception of
the number 0. Have a good look at the next example and I’ll go into detail
on it afterwards.<?php
< 10){
print “$number<BR>”;
$number = $number +
will display..1
the new concepts. Take this bit.
While($number < 10) Now we
assigned the value of 1 to the variable $number just before this.
Basically what that piece of code is doing is saying While $number is
LESS THAN 10 do this… Needless to say the < character is less
than. You could also use > (Greater than) <= (Less than OR equal to)
>= (Greater or eaqual to) and finally == (Equal to) Yes double == ONE =
is used to ASSIGN two == is used to COMPARE. We’ll show you some more
examples on this later.
{ print “$number<BR>”; $number =
$number + 1; } Now the { and } Characters are used to define what you
do WHILE the condition is true. In this case we’ve made it print the
number followed by the html comand
so we get each number on a new
line. We have also Added one to our $number variable ($number equals
itself plus one) so that the loop eventually retruns a value of FALSE and
stops looping. Our number will increase and eventually reach a value of
10, at this point $number WILL NOT be less than 10 and the loop will stop.
You could change ($number < 10) to ($number < 10000000) But this
would probably crash your browser 😉
Now we’re again going to show
you a more complicated loop That will display something quite neat. A
knowledge of html tables will be required to understand this, but if you
don’t know that then you really need to go learn this stuff before you
advance to php. Anyway There will be no in depth explanation of this but
it uses the exact same concept as above but looks a little more scary,
just look closely and take on board what you have already
< 11){
print “<TR><TD
$number = $number +
Will display this
rather ugly thing
This is what
makes programing on the web so exilerating. That table is created
Dyamically, I.E. It was not put in by you, you just put in the rules (to
print a new TAble Row ten times) and it created it on it’s own. The
Advantage of this fairly simple example (in terms of what you can do) is
that suppose you want to change the background color to yello you just
change its’ value in the WHILE loop and all ten rows change you could add
another <TD> to the comand and the entire table would change or you
could change the word hello and all would change again. (you see how neat
it is now?) You could alternate the table colors too but that requires
some knowledge of the IF statement which is what we’re going to cover
If you have grasped the while concept properly
this shouldn’t be too hard to understand, if you havn’t grasped the while
concept please go back and REALLY read it, don’t just look over it you
gotta read what’s being said or you’ll never really know what I’m talking
about. If you got while properly Then we’ll proceed. IF is pretty
much how it sounds, it works like this.
IF Condition is true
Do this
It is incredibly similar to while but it only does the
comands once. As ever an example would server well.<?php
== 1){
print “Number is equal to 1”;
else {
print “Number
does not equal 1”;
Here we’ve used the
comparison operator (ENGLISH: we’ve tested wether $number is equal to 1)
== to see if $number equals 1. If we’d used $number < 10 any
number from 0 – 9 would have been true and the comands between { and }
would have been executed but JUST THE ONCE. Again here if $number does
equal 1 then we’ll print that it equals that. Now you’ll also note the
‘ELSE’ comand. This is used to do other stuff if the previous IF comand
resulted in FALSE or not 1. This allows us to do a kind of Branching
(doing different stuff depending on various things) thing. IF ELSE And
WHILE (and other comands which I will not go into right now) use the { and
} braces to signal what we want to do while/if/isn’t TRUE. Just look at it
and it should make sense. We’re now going to expand our previous code to
display the table but we’re going to use IF and ELSE to make the colors
alternate. Here we go.<TABLE>
< 11){
print “<TR><TD
$number = $number
+ 1;
Okay so the
colors are aweful but the beauty of it is you can change them at any time.
You’ll notice that the IF and ELSE were nested inside the while. You can
do this as much as you like going as far as to put IF statements inside IF
statements inside ELSE statements 😉 Keeping track of all the { and } are
possibly the biggest headache programers have to contend with, If you ever
get confused just count the open ones against the closed ones and make
sure they match. Basically what we did was define three variables. One for
color A one for color B and a final one that changes each time this is the
one we use as the table BG color. IF the current color of the final one is
equal to color A then we change it to color B if it isn’t then it must
already be equal to COLOR B therefore we change it to color A. This will
display alternating colors. Also note that we always put the <TABLE>
and </TABLE> tags OUTSIDE of the loop as we only want to print these
once, in fact we’ve printed them right outside the <?php and ?> Tags
this way we don’t need to muck about with the extra print
Okay I’m knackered out. If you liked this tutorial then
please Email me if I get enough
positive feedback then I Will write a second part getting into more
advanced comands. Also if you have any complaints with it, or questions or
querys then also email me, I like getting email 🙂 Just please don’t send
me a question that is answered here. As much as I enjoy recieving email I
dont’ really like explaining things over and over, however if it’s
something you just don’t understand because I didnt explain it adequatly
feel free to email and I’ll do my best to help you out.
Davy James Webmaster of