Search Engine Watch’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO) guru Eric Page has raised to eyebrows with his recent statements about search engine ranking relevance, stating that experts debate their application.
Many companies hire SEO experts to provide reports that they can use to get their sites to the top of the list for specific keyword searches. Page recently stated that there is still a hot debate among experts as to whether website rankings are as relevant as once thought, and that the tools that used to compute website ranking themselves often go against the terms of service rules that search engines have in place, making the data they provide itself in question.
As an example, he states that the number of inbound links to a particular website is not as useful a guide as once thought, particularly when a link from one site may be more useful than many similar links from others.
Page believes that SEO techniques and procedures may change going forward, as has already been the case in the last several years. Given the number of mobile devices in use, along with technologies like real-time search, this is likely to be even more true for future web users.