Thursday, January 16, 2025

Search Engine Algorithm Relevance Decreasing for Google, Bing

The search engine industry, including Google and Bing, have already included social network data into their respective search engine results pages (SERP). Suddenly the rules have changed again, and instead of content, context is set to be king.

The context in which words appear is a golden egg for advertisers, who are now able to display relevant ads to a narrowly targeted audience. With the number of advertisers on Facebook, for instance, the need for advertisers to weed their way through SERPs to find customers is a thing of the past.

Search engine optimization (SEO) companies are getting nervous at the thought that they may have to change their strategy from working on high keyword rankings from search, to social network marketing, just to stay relevant. Companies like Facebook are eager for consumers to just throw in the towel and make their site the homepage that everyone sees when they open up a web browser.

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