Goodies to Go ™
October 15, 2001–Newsletter #151
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Greetings, Weekend Silicon Warriors,
I’m teaching my HTML class the section on tables right
now. Just as the students get bored building little
checkerboards and other shapes, we begin to surf. We go
to site after site drawing out the table formatting that
makes up the design. Then I see their eyes light up. I’ve
taught it 20 times. It’s great every time I see it.
Did you hear…
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has taken action
and shut down a p*rn*graphy redirect system set up by
John Zuccarini, of Andalusia, Pennsylvania. Zuccarini
operated over 5000 sites that drew customers in by
offering valuable information. Once there, surfers were
redirected to pages that literally bombarded them with
banner ads and pop up windows selling adult services.
Sprint PCS has unveiled the first GPS-enabled phone.
Once the infrastructure is in place, the system will be able
to locate the phone within 50 meters. Of course it will
also come with all the latest Web apps all for the low, low
price of $199.00.
PayPal, every Ebay user’s best friend, has filed to be an
IPO. Salomon Smith Barney Inc., Robertson Stephens,
Inc. and William Blair & Company, L.L.C are managing
the request. You know a company must be doing well if
it wants an IPO when most other Internet-based stocks
are tanking big time.
Guess where smart banner ad buys are best made these
days? Cooking sites! Research by InsightExpress
suggests that the Web is the number one source for recipes.
Magazines came in second. That’s a switch.
The study covered 800 households.
Now on to today’s topic…
Well, email is 30. The mid-life crisis can start any time
Believe it or don’t, this thing we all use to the point of it
being representative of our very person is 30 years old. It
was all the way back in 1971 that email first flew onto the
scene. I say, “flew” but that’s not really the case.
The first “successful” email was sent using a 300-baud
modem. Yes, that reads “300 baud.” The concept of “K”
wasn’t quite in existence yet when it came to modems.
The man who sent the first email was an engineer named
Ray Tomlinson. Ray worked for Bolt Beranek and
Newman (BBN), the company hired by the United States
Defense Department in 1968 to build ARPANET. His
specific project was something called SNDMSG. If you
read it out loud, it comes out as “Send Message.” Well,
SNDMSG wasn’t all that great. It could only send
messages between two people found on the same
machine. That wasn’t at all email like we know it today.
In fact, when SNDMSG worked, the mail was “sent” by
adding text to the end of an existing mail file. It was hard
to delete that early SPAM regarding hip new bell-bottom
Tomlinson started a new course he called CYPNET. It
consisted of around 200 lines of code. What he did
would make history. He added the “@” insignia to the
email name.
Yep – blame him.
Now files could be sent along the ARPANET backbone.
The “@” told the computer the end user was somewhere
other than the sending server. Email had been born.
The message went from Tomlinson to Tomlinson. BBN
had two systems hooked together through the
The first message sent in Morse Code on May 24, 1844
was, “What hath God wrought.”
The first message sent over Graham Bell’s telephone on
March 10, 1876 was, “Mr. Watson, come here; I want
The first words to a phonograph in 1877, by The Wizard
of Menlo Park, Thomas Edison were, “Mary had a little
The first words said from the moon in 1969 were,
“Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.”
The first words sent over email were…uh…we don’t
actually know.
Tomlinson himself cannot say with any degree of
certainty what the first email message read. To be frank,
he doesn’t even remember the actual date of the first
sending. It was in late 1971, most likely this month…we
Some articles stated that the first message was probably
gibberish created from Tomlinson just banging out some
letters on his keyboard. A good number of articles, that I
read, said the first email message was most likely,
The only thing about the first email message Tomlinson
can say for sure is that it was in all capital letters.
Well…at least he screamed it.
Contrary to Ray Tomlinson, I actually do remember my
first email. I sent it the second Monday in September of
1993. I sent it to Dr. Bruce Klopfenstein. He was the
gentleman who got me to buy my first modem, all 2400 baud of it.
It was inside of a Tandy computer that didn’t
even have a hard drive.
I can’t say for sure what the email read, but I’d be willing
to bet it was something like, “I’m on – did you get this?”
I even remember the first email sent to me. It was Dr.
Bruce’s reply to that email.
Can you remember yours?
Happy birthday email! Thanks to you Mr. Tomlinson.
You’re place in Internet history is quite reserved.
That’s that. Thanks for reading.
Joe Burns, Ph.D.
And remember: If you’d like to see an image of Ray
Tomlinson, you can head off to the BBN site. Ray is down
the page a bit, leaning back with his hand behind his
A photo of the actual PDP10 mainframe used by
Tomlinson to send is on that same page.
Very cool.