Friday, January 24, 2025

November 9, 1998 – Newsletter #1

G O O D I E S T O G O ! ™

November 9, 1998 – Newsletter #1


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It’s Monday night, November 9th and I’m sitting here in my
living room composing the first “Goodies to Go” weekly
e-mail newsletter. Of course it won’t really be “weekly”
until I put out a second one next week. Then we can
technically call it weekly.

Here’s my dilemma…what should go in this newsletter? What
do you want to know? What can I write in one night’s work
so I can be sure to get it out on a weekly basis. Oh sure,
I’ve subscribed to these things before and know the basics.
I’ll of course tell you what’s new on the Goodies site. When
I post new JavaScripts to, I’ll let you know.
But I don’t know that just an update sheet will be so much
fun to read.

It’s my opinion that to do that, to make it fun, I’ll need
to get more than just me involved in the creation of the
newsletter. I thought about hiring a full staff of people
that look like me, but that seemed silly.

So I thought it would be nice if I could get you all
involved. I want to set up some folders so you can send me
tips, stories and the like. I would then copy and paste a
few of those comments into the newsletter each week along
with the authors name and e-mail address (of course if you
don’t want you e-mail address posted, I won’t.)

Here are some topics I was thinking might be good:

>>>>> Tip of the week!
Tips from you on how you’ve used Goodies to put
together your own cool website.

>>>>> Look At This Site!
We can analyze a really great website and see
how the creators put it all together.

>>>>> Help Me!
Something kind of like “Ask the Experts” but
we’ll all be requesting help on an HTML topic from
each other.

>>>>> Read This!
Short reviews of tutorials or books that have been
especially helpful to you.

>>>>> My Opinions!
Give your opinion on some topic related to the web
and website building — or ask for mine.

I might use all of the topics listed above, and then again
I might not use any. We’ll see what happens. So let’s get
this thing started right. Send me e-mail at that falls under one or more of these
topics. If you can think of a better topic, send that along

Please remember that sending an e-mail to me is permission
to reprint that e-mail, your name, and your e-mail address
unless stated otherwise in your letter. Please send me your
real name. I feel silly attributing an e-mail to someone
named “Free_Willie”. Also remember that this will probably
cause a flood of e-mail that I will keep to use in the
future. If yours isn’t used right away, it may just be that
I am saving it for later. You send it, I keep it. I also
reserve the right to not use any e-mails that I don’t think
are appropriate.

This newsletter will probably go through a couple of
different looks before we arrive at the format I think is
best. So stay tuned. It should be a fun ride. I intend to
create something that’s informative, entertaining, and
something you can truly look forward to reading every week.

>>>>>Next Week: So You Wanted Me to Write a Book, huh?

The HTML Goodies book is now available. It’s going to be
ready for you to buy and place under your Christmas tree…
to keep it straight. Just kidding. It’s being published by
Macmillan and EarthWeb Press. Next week I’ll give you the
scoop on the new book and tell you where we’ll be having
some live events to show it off.

Keep Smiling…

Joe Burns, Ph.D.

“And Remember — The company that manufactures the greatest
number of women’s dresses each year is Mattel. Barbie’s got
to wear something.”

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