Search engine optimization practices change and evolve, and web developers and SEO experts have to keep up with these SEO changes in order not only to grow rankings, but to keep the ones they already have. So are no-follow links still relevant in 2011?
Some SEO experts believe that no-follow links have gone the way of the blink tag, while others believe that they are still a valid SEO tactic. Our position is that yes, they are still important, mainly because they raise the relevance of your website. Social networking is important, even to the search engines, and links from high value sites can and do still pass traffic.
No-follow links do not have much search engine value, however even if a link is not being counted, it still helps to provide traffic, leads and potentially other links to your site and your site’s content. Links are about awareness, and link building is still a valid tactic for developing your site’s brand. SEO or non SEO.