Use these to jump around or read it all
The Concept
The Script
The Script’s Effect
Deconstructing the Script
What You’ve Learned
Your Assignment
The Concept
Our last JavaScript is a rough one, no doubt about it.
This example brings us back to forms. The program will use JavaScript to validate a user’s data entry, which is often sloppy. In this example we will make the user enter a first name and we will require a zip code to be either 5 or 10
characters in length. We will also make sure that the first 5 characters are digits. This is a little more difficult than some, but hang in there. Data validation is an important issue for programmers.
This example re-introduces the length property. (Remember that a property is like an adjective. It describes a characteristic of an object.) This example shows us two new methods, indexOf(), charAt(). (Remember, methods are actions performed on objects. They always contain (parentheses).)
This program also shows you a longer function than you’ve seen
before. You’re ready now though, right? Right!
The Script
<HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function validfn(fnm) { fnlen=fnm.length if (fnlen == 0) {alert("First name is required") document.dataentry.fn.focus()} } function validZip(zip) { len=zip.length digits="0123456789" if(len != 5 && len != 10) {alert("Zip is not the correct length")} for(i=0; i<5; i++) {if (digits.indexOf(zip.charAt(i))<0) {alert("First five digits must be numeric") break} } } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM NAME="dataentry"> <h2>Form Field Validation</h2> Enter First Name:<br> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="fn" onBlur="validfn(fn.value)"> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> document.dataentry.fn.focus() </SCRIPT> <p> Enter Zip Code (99999-9999):<br> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="zip" SIZE=10 > <P> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Submit" onClick="validZip(zip.value)"> </BODY> </HTML> |
The Script’s Effect
Click here to open a new window demonstrating data entry validation.
Close the window to return to this document.
Deconstructing the Script
- The script is quote basic. There are two functions, validfn() and validzip(). One checks the text box for the first name, the other checks the box for the zip code. Let’s look at the first name validator function first.
function validfn(fnm) { fnlen=fnm.length if (fnlen == 0) {alert("First name is required") document.dataentry.fn.focus()} } ..... <body> ..... <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="fn" onBlur="validfn(fn.value)">
- The function validfn(fnm) is called by the onBlur event. onBlur occurs when the focus moves away from a field, in this case the text field fn. We went over onBlur way back in the Event Handler Primer.
- Notice that the argument fn.value is passed from the form to the function where it is renamed fnm. fn.value could have been referenced as document.dataentry.fn.value, but since we are in the document and also inside the form, this is unnecessary.
- Remember that to see the contents of a form field we need to use field name.value. You must add that “value” to see the contents. The name alone won’t do it.
- A variable called fnlen is assigned the value of the length of the first name. Thus if the first name is “Joe”, the
value of fnlen will be 3. Remember the length property? - If the length is 0, then the user has not typed in a first name. The program then gives the user an error message and puts
the focus or pointer in the first name field. The form is not so much checking to see if a correct name has been typed in, rather it’s checking if anything has been typed in. - Now, let’s look at the validation for the zip code:
function validZip(zip) { len=zip.length digits="0123456789" if(len != 5 && len != 10) {alert("Zip is not the correct length")} for(i=0; i<5; i++) {if (digits.indexOf(zip.charAt(i))<0) {alert("First five digits must be numeric") break} }
- This is a longer function. Let’s examine it one piece at a time. The first piece sets the variable len to the length of the zip code. A variable called digits is given the value of all digit values.
- The If statement then tests to see if the length of zip is not equal to 5 and not equal to 10. This sounds a little awkward, but that’s what it’s doing. The double && means for the JavaScript to check both properties.
- If this is true, then it tells the user that the first five digits must be numeric and sets the focus or pointer to the
zip field. - for(i=0; i<5; i++) looks at the first five digits of the zip code, one at a time.
- if (digits.indexOf(zip.charAt(i))<0) introduces the methods indexOf(0 and charAt(0.
- Let’s look at zip.charAt(i). Suppose the zip code is 123, and i is 2. The character at position 2 is the number 3. This
is not a typo, index numbers begin with 0! Thus zip.charAt(0) is 1 and zip.charAt(1) is 2! - indexOf is a method that returns the index number of a given value. With if (digits.indexOf(zip.charAt(i))<0),
JavaScript searches for the character in zip.charAt(0i in the digits variable. If the zip code is 12345 and i is 1, the program looks for 2 in the digits variable, and finds it, returning the value 2 as digits is “0123456789”. - If the zip code is “01b” and i is 2, the program looks for b in the digits variable. When it does not find this, it returns a -1. If the value is -1, then an error message is given and the focus or pointer is set to the zip field.
- And last but not least, here’s the HTML text that creates the form items:
Enter First Name:<br>
<INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”fn”
onBlur=”validfn(fn.value)”><SCRIPT type=”text/javascript”>
Enter Zip Code (99999-9999):<br>
<INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”zip” SIZE=10 ><P>
<INPUT TYPE=”button” VALUE=”Submit”
- When you use forms with JavaScript, each form item must be given a name that links it to the sections of the JavaScript that will act upon it. You’ve seen this type of linking a couple of times before.
Look over the form items and then the JavaScript and find where one links to the other. It should all be starting to make sense by now.
What You Have Learned
Your Assignment
First, get this program to run and study it. Then add one more piece to the validZip(zip) function that looks at position 5 to make sure it is a hyphen.
This “!=” means “is not equal” in JavaScript. You’ll need that.
Here’s a possible answer to this assignment
(this will open a new window)
The Concept
The Script
The Script’s Effect
Deconstructing the Script
What You’ve Learned
Your Assignment