Use these to jump around or read it all
The Concept
The Script
The Script’s Effect
Deconstructing the Script
What You’ve Learned
Your Assignment
The Concept
This primer takes Primer #17 a little further. Here again you’ll transfer information into the function, but this time you’ll transfer a string that the
user enters into a field. The string will then be used to search Yahoo.
The Script
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function Gofindit(){ var searchfor = document.formsearch.findthis.value; { var FullSearchUrl = "" + searchfor ; location.href = FullSearchUrl; }} </SCRIPT> <FORM NAME="formsearch" action=""> Search Yahoo for: <INPUT NAME="findthis" SIZE="40" TYPE="texT"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go Find It" onClick="Gofindit()"> </FORM> |
The Script’s Effect
function Gofindit(){
var searchfor = document.formsearch.findthis.value;
var FullSearchUrl = “” + searchfor ;
location.href = FullSearchUrl;
Deconstructing the Script
This script again requires that you have a solid grasp on the concepts of hierarchy. It comes into play a few times.
- First off, a function is created that calls for the variable “searchfor”. This variable is the result of something in the document, in something called formsearch, inside an item called findthis, which has a value.
- Now, we do another function inside a function. See the second set of {brackets}?
- Another variable is created called “FullSearchUrl” that is the address to Yahoo’s search engine plus the input of document.formsearch.findthis.value in the form of the variable “searchfor”.
- Finally, the location.href is set as the variable “FullSearchUrl”. The process will take all the information and send the user to that page when the function is triggered.
- Now, we move on to the FORM commands. There are two: One is a TEXT box that receives a string from the user and the other is a button that enacts the function.
- Note the entire form is named “formsearch”. Remember that from the hierarchy statement above?
- Next, the TEXT box is named “findthis”. Remember that in the hierarchy statement from above? See it building from larger to smaller?
- The button then has the onClick command that fires up the function.
- Finally, make sure you have a </FORM> command to kill the form. Mission accomplished.
What You Have Learned
Your Assignment
Alter the script so that it searches a search engine other than Yahoo. Also, make it so that when the user clicks, an alert pops up that reads “Going to Search…”
Here’s a possible answer to this assignment
(this will open a new window)
The Concept
The Script
The Script’s Effect
Deconstructing the Script
What You’ve Learned
Your Assignment