Friday, February 14, 2025

How to Build a Basic Website with HTML & CSS

In the first part of this series on how to build a web site, you learned how to:

  • Develop a purpose for your site
  • Organize a project outline
  • Draw a wireframe
  • Organize your folder structure
  • Define HTML and JavaScript

Now that you know how to define the purpose of your site, create a project outline and create a file folder structure, it’s time to move on. In this tutorial, you will learn about HTML editors, HTML tags, CSS, and how to create your first web page using the infamous “Hello World” programming example.

HTML 4 is still considered the basic building blocks of a web site. HTML 5 is the proposed next standard, but according to the HTML 5 Wikipedia page, the W3C is not expected to recommend it until 2022. However, some aspects are considered stable and some implementations can be used today. For the purpose of this article, HTML 4 will be considered the gold standard.

Get an HTML Editor

Now you’re ready to dive into HTML and CSS. For the CSS file, all you need is a plain text editor, such as Notepad. For the HTML, you will most likely want an HTML editor, such as the Chami HTML-Kit, which is used in the examples in this article.

Here’s an entire list of HTML editorsthat you can choose from. The better HTML editors provide a built-in browser window, which allows you to preview your work. Also, you might want an HTML editor that has a validator. That way, the editor can help find mistakes. It’s kind of like using spell checker in a word processor. However, just like spell check does not catch all mistakes, neither will a validator. Your best chance of success is to develop the eye-of-a-hawk and catch your own typos and mistakes. Writers and editors pay close attention to detail and this skill is equally important to web developers. If you miss even one closing tag, your entire page could be affected. Don’t let this scare you. As long as you pay attention to what you’re doing, you’ll be fine. The best rule of thumb is to type slowly, check your work as you go, and constantly test.

As you search the Internet looking for an HTML editor, you might run across some sites or services that promise you the ability to build a web site in minutes using their professionally designed templates. You might be tempted to use these pre-built templates. If you do so though, are you truly a web site developer, or are you simply skipping steps to reach an end-goal? You might want to ask yourself what your true end-goal is…do you want to be a web developer or do you want to simply fill in the blanks? If you’re filling in the blanks of a pre-built template, then you run the risk of creating a site that looks and behaves exactly like someone else’s. If you do this, you’re not building marketable skills that you can sell to a hiring manager to become a web developer. It’s best to take the long road and write the code yourself.

Defining an HTML Page

When you start a new HTML page in Chami’s HTML-Kit, you’ll see some code has been populated for you. This isn’t cheating and this isn’t filling in the blanks. The software is simply saving you some typing and providing you a head start. This is what you’ll see:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

The first thing you should notice are the tags. An HTML tag defines what you want to accomplish: whether that’s to create a link, insert an image, or simply place some text on the page. Each tag has an opening tag and a closing tag; the keywords within each tag are enclosed by angle brackets (< and >). If your tag is missing an angled bracket, then the whole tag is rendered ineffective. It’s very important to remember each < and > and that each opening tag, for example, <head> needs a closing tag </head>. Notice that the difference in the closing tag is /.

The first line on the page is the document type declaration and tells a validator which version of HTML to use in checking the document’s syntax. You’ll notice that this declaration is telling the validator your site uses HTML 4. You’ll also see the word, “public” in there. That means your site is available to the public. The W3C is the group that owns and maintains the DOCTYPE. DTD is the type of DOCTYPE that is being used.

Transitional means that humans will be reading your site as compared to a computer-read site. And finally, EN represents English, which means the DTD is written in English. It does not represent the language of the content on the page. You do not need to alter the declaration type, but you should be aware that other versions do exist.

<html> — This is the first HTML tag on the page. At the very end of the page is the closing </html> tag. All of your content will appear between the <html> tags.

<head> — This is the second HTML tag on the page. Within the <head> is where you place the <title> of your page. The <title> of your page appears when someone prints your web page on paper and it also appears in the border of a web browser (which all depends on your browser and the settings).

For Internet Explorer 8, the title of the web page appears in the very top border above the address bar. To change the title of your page, simply replace “untitled” with your title. There’s no need to alter the <title> tag. Also within the <head> tag is where you place your styles. Since you’ll be using CSS while following this series of articles, this is where you’ll place a reference to your CSS file(s). You’ll also place references to your script files if you use some advanced JavaScript in your web site.

<body> — Within the <body> is where you’ll do the majority of your coding. This is where you place your content, including text, images and links and other functionality you might want, like image galleries, video, etc.

Hello World

Right now, you might be craving some instant gratification. It’s time to get to it! Before digging into the CSS, let’s build up some confidence and create some actual content that you can view in a browser.

Immediately after the <body> tag, type:

<h1>Hello World, this is my first HTML</h1>

Click the Preview button. In HTML-Kit, that’s located in the bottom menu, just to the right of Editor. You’ll see your text in large, Times New Roman font. You can also save your file, go to your folder structure, find the .htm file and click it to open it in your browser. You’ll see essentially the same thing. You might be thinking to yourself, “Gee, that large, Times New Roman font doesn’t look very good.” You can fix that by adding some style and creating a CSS.

Starting the CSS

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and you create this file in a text editor such as Notepad. CSS allows you to define styles and page layout in one location so that you can globally apply them to your .htm files. If you ever change your mind on style, you can change it once in your CSS file and it automatically updates all of your .htm files. This can save a lot of time and energy down the line.

Let’s start by adding some style to the <h1> tag you created in the Hello World example. Simply type,

H1 {text-align:left; color:black; font: normal 40pt “Arial Black”}

You have now defined the style for your <h1> tag. <H1> describes the tag that you want to define. You start with a { and end the definition with }. This is the equivalent to the angled brackets in HTML.

Text-align – this defines the alignment of the text. You can have left-aligned, right-aligned or centered.

Color – is exactly what it sounds like, you can change the color of your font. You can use words, such as Black, Gray, Green, etc. You can also use hex numbers.

Font – this is where you assign the size and type of font (

Notice that after each attribute, you need to use a ; to separate the different parts.

Now that you have at least one style defined, it’s time to connect this CSS to the .htm file. Save the file with a .css extension in your CSS folder. For example, HelloWorld.css

Open your .htm file and in within the <head> tag, preferably under the <title> tag, type:

<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="css/Helloworld.css">

This connects your CSS file to your .htm file. You need to add this tag to each and every .htm file that you create.

Your HTML should now look similar to this:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Hello World</title>
<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="css/Helloworld.css">
<h1>Hello World, this is my first HTML</h1>

Coming up next:

  • Add additional styles to the CSS including the page design
  • Learn how links work and how to style them
  • Add gradient colors to the background
  • Time to review the functionality requirements of your site

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